
Its amazing how the world of blogs can suck you in.
I was reading this post, and while I have been asked the question of why are there not too many people of color into the vintage and the 'scene', it does get old hat. IVe talked with many gals of color on the subject (and some boys too) and frankly their reasoning I completely understand. Its hard to differentiate the romantic notions of the era with the reality of how you would have been treated in the era.

My motivation for my love of the 30s and 40s is my family. What they went through, what they helped to accomplish. All that they did for me. My family has been in the same area for over 5 generations. Ive seen the plantation where my Great, great uncle helped to lay out the stone markers at the front gates. Its the history of that that makes me love the styles and music and manners and some of the customs of the time.

When my mother died in 2005, I went home and looked through all the old photos my Granny had. Here are some of my family that date from the late 30s to the early 50s. Ive scanned them all and plan to make my Granny a photo album to give to her so she can write all the dates and names of all the people.

This is teenage shot of my Granny.

This is my Great Grandmother.

Thats my Grandmother and Grandfather on the left.

I love this photo. This is the same house I grew up in. Practically everything is the same.

And this letter which was a telegram to my Granny. The thing is, Samuels is a family name, but Smith was my Grannie's married name. Im going to have to ask her about this.


  1. Thanks for sharing the photos of your family. I love the one of your grandparents and family in front of the car. Esp. the little boy looking up - so typical of a child.

    I love the letter. In a few months, my church will have a Patriotic night and I've been brainstorming for ideas. To read this letter was just what I needed. Thanks, and I know that you already know it, but you have a lovely family.

  2. Aw, I love bloggers' family photo posts. That big straw hat in the last one is fabulous.

  3. That's an interesting topic, actually! I can understand the reasoning behind not dressing in vintage considering how people were treated in the 40's and 50's. A few months ago, I did meet a lady of color who was a vintage loving gal and I thought that the style looked so striking on her. She looked just like like Dorothy Dandridge! Seeing her made me think about all of the African American people who stood up and fought for equality in those times and it made me feel proud for how far our country has come since then. Your grandmother was SO beautiful and what a dapper granddaddy! Love the old photos!!

  4. Love those old photos; it's great that you have those kinds of mementos.

  5. Thank you for sharing these. Your blog inspires me every day. :)

  6. Beautiful, beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing! And also for commenting on my post; I loved what you had to say.

  7. I love the photos, and it's an interesting subject. I'm not a woman of colour, so I can;t speak from that point of view, but I think it would be a shame to forget the wonderful ladies who came before us, from any background.
    Because of them, we are who we beacame.

  8. I really enjoyed your input on this. Thank you, especially for the family photos.

  9. Love these photos! I've been thinking of posting some from both my and Masheka's family as well--they're my favorite kind of inspiration!

  10. Fabulousity runs in the family, I see.

  11. Wow, thanks for all the comments everyone. I love the photos. My family is so large (Granny was one of 12) we have so much spread over so many houses. But she is the matriarch, so most of it roots around her.

    I love my Granny! :D

  12. hello sweet darlin gal! i just found your blog and my heart skipped a beat! First let me say your photos of your family are just beautiful...miss sweet granny is striking!

    Next let me say i think i found my sister...i am in love with your site and style...and you can sew envy!!!!

    I loved this topic & appreciate family is from the south(new orleans) and they were hard migrant workers...thats were my love for raising a vintage family & the vintage lifestyle...also my obsession of 40's feed sack and farm dresses come from...your family is soooo lovely! swing by my place...nice to meet ya!

  13. I just went back and read your comment on Gertie's blog and I have to tell you that it was an amazing comment that did me proud! I love that you dress this way as a homage to your heritage and it gives me greater understanding of you and your heart!

    BTW, I have albums of pictures like this. My mom made them one year for Christmas and handed them out to her children and nieces and nephews. It is wonderful to have in my home available for my children and grandchildren.


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