Catalog Sunday

This Sunday are more images from my fall/winter Lane Bryant catalog from 1938 1939.

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Hello all.
I'm taking a brake. I'm just burnt out. I really need to redirect some of my energy to some other things and after I finished my Air Raid projects I thought now was a great time.

I'll still be sewing, don't worry about that, I'll prolly update NVL with some projects, and Catalog Sunday is all lined up for weeks to come, but I'm gonna chill on this blog for a few weeks.

My Etsy store will still be humming along (it better be, it's my only income right now), and if you are interested, during this hiatus I'll be doing more over at the Gazette.

If you truly have nothing else to do in your monumentally busy lives (unlike myself) read through my ramblings. I hope to catch some more followers that way. I'm way behind all the real cool people :)

Anyway, I'll see you all around the web and back here with tons of new projects in a few weeks and if you have any questions, feel free to email me!


What I did at the Air Raid **NOW WITH MORE PHOTOS**

My friend Marcy and I were Air Raid Wardens. A lot of people knew who we were and complimented us and took tons of photos. It was fun. I even got to re-visit the Air Raid Warden office they have at the battery.

The Air Raid was a blast. The Fort MacArthur Museum was taken back to the 40s with many displays, civilians and soldiers. It was so much fun walking around and seeing all the people.

Because of the rain, the band played in the battery, which is the main part of the museum. There were three dance floors and they were all packed.

The storm tunnel that connected both sides of battery.
I ran into tons of vintage friends. A lot of the pictures were taken with other people's cameras, so when they filter in to me, I'll amend this post and put them up.

Then the sirens sounded and we appeared to be under attack!!
They gathered all the civilians into a save location and the soldiers got to their positions.

Whew! It was alright. False alarm.

As the night was drawing to a close, I snapped some more photos of the displays of tents and soldiers. There were even a few huddled arounf a barrel on fire for warmth. I didn't get a pic of that, too dark but cool looking.

It was a real good time and I had a blast. It was cold and spots of rain so I kept my jacket on the whole time. I didn't even change into a skirt later like I planned. But the portable restrooms were large enough, so now I know for next time.

My friend Marcy took these.
Here I am with Lauren from Wearing History and her friend (I am so sorry I forgot your name!).

I've also found some great shots of the Air Raid online. There are even some videos!
Check them out!

Catalog Sunday

This Sunday in Honor of the LA Air Raid I've posted war time sale fashions from my Chicago Mail order sale catalog dating Feb. 1943.

What to Wear to an Air Raid: The final days.

The Air Raid is Saturday! I'm excited!
I finished my sweater yesterday.

Added the buttons and even tried the Warden pin I have on to see how it looks. I like it, but I decided to wear a different jacket.

Something lighter. Plus I though the brown clashed with the overalls and this blue looks much better.

Also nearly finished my new garter belt.

I extended this one down in the back to cover my bum and it fits very well.

All I have to do is add the garters and I'm golden.

I also got around to doing some of the finishing touches on my Warden outfit.

I braided a chain from some of my embroidery nylon for my Warden's whistle.

I've made the armband and I think it looks cool.

I still have to decide what I'm going to do to the helmet. I really don't want to alter it so I might just leave it be.

I'm tired and stressed and out of coffee.
I know, life is so not fair.
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