Newvintagelady 2018 in review.

Not gonna lie, this was a really, really tough year for me. Socially, work wise, and my dog died. That took a lot out of me and I don't see 2019 getting any better but hope and all that, right!?


1960s Wedding Dress Recreation: pt 2 Making the Dress, and that Fabric, yo!

Behold! The most expensive fabric I've ever worked with!
I believe this is a Lyon type of lace. All I know is that it's french.

This is the fabric for the sleeves and the bodice. When I discovered it, I sent a pick to my friend, and she LOVED it, until we both saw the price. It was in the glass case, after all. I should have known...

1960s Wedding Dress Recreation: pt 1 Drafting the Pattern

Look at us, ain't we cute!

This picture is over....13years old, I'd guess. That's me and all my round face adorableness, and that gal with the blue arrow is Kristen. We started out as sales associates in the Apple store so many, many years ago, and like so much of my Apple family, we've kept in touch.

She even came to visit with her two sons one day as the fam was making a cross California vacation. Ah, good times.

1940s style halter top recreation.

Hi everyone!

Hope your week was good and you are gearing up for the weekend!
I am so booked this weekend, going to a vegan festival tomorrow, working, and seeing friends.

One friend I saw this past week asked me to help her with her costume for her dance performance at Camp Hollywood this weekend. She's part of the JR LA  Shag team and she needed to have a top remade to work with her partner's costume.

She brought in this rayon halter that was super cute and with a few modifications (because the new fabric was cotton) I drafted a pattern off the blouse and was able to make her blouse.

The fabric I got to work with was this cute Hawaiian/Tiki novelty print with these super tan surfer boys!

1970s flappy/newsboy hat

Hi all! Hope you had a great weekend.

I spent my weekend drafting a pattern and making a slew of hats.

The Leigh-Ann is available!

Hi ho everyone!

Posting an update that my newest vintage repro pattern, The Leigh-Ann is available in my etsy store!

The PDF is available ASAP, and the paper version has been sent to the printers. I expect it to start shipping by the first week in September (fingers crossed).

Okay, back to sewing work!

In Memoriam: dog edition

Hey all, hope your week is going well.
Things have been so crazy for me lately. It seems like I'm saying that a lot, right? I don't know what it is with this year, but I just can't catch up. Whether it be work, or chasing rent, or people in my life or anything else, seems like I'm living the one step forward, two steps back creed.

And to top it all off, my beautiful Handsome Man of 7 years, Brian, crossed over to the rainbow bridge last Thursday.

It was quick. He got bloat, and I wasn't going to put a 9 year old bull mastiff through any type of surgery, so I made the tough decision to let him go.

It all happened within 2 hours. Two hours from happy old man, to at the vet saying goodbye.


So now that my best friend is gone, I'm forcing myself to double down on everything.
Sorry I've been so MIA on this blog. Sorry I've said all this before. Life can be a mother fucker, ya know?!

Here is a picture of my lovely handsome man.
I miss him bunches.

My parrot shirts!

Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a great Mother's day and your week is going well.
I've been busy sewing about 65 units for a small production, working on patterns, and doing some illustration as well. Whew!

In between all of that I made these tiki inspired shirts for a friend who is going to program the parrots to say witty and funny things. You know, like you do.

The goal was to make the wings be able to flap under the shirts, which I kinda did, but the range of the flappage wasn't as wide as I assumed the wings moved when I had the model to base the shirt from.

I began with a template I made and worked out as many issues as I thought I'd run up against.

The Amy and other goodies!!

Hello lovely people!
It's been busy in the studio of Shelley. I'm working on a clothing production (NDA) and that has been my bread and butter for a while, and for a while longer.

I also invested in another serger for this project. Really happy about having twin sergers.

I'm working on the NVL patterns, and The Amy is done and shipping, so if you want the pattern, it's available in my Etsy store. I'm working on the next pattern right now and once I re-draw the cover, I'll announce it.

I've also taken on another dress from one of my kickstarter backers.

Plus, I made tiki shirts for animatronic puppets, because, because.

So much going on!

I need to make some time to go through my vintage catalogs for catalog Sunday so I can post more images. I'm running really low on my scans.

Okay lovely people, that's it for now. I'm super tired and I just had a beer on an empty stomach, so I need to go to bed.

Tomorrow is a trip to the fabric store to get some supplies. Eep!

Have a great day!

Don't forget to check out my other social media and be sure to tell your friends!

The Amy pattern is available!

Hello lovely people.

My latest repro pattern, The Amy, is now available for paper pre-order in my Etsy store, or the available PDFs are up and ready for purchase. Sizes range from 40 bust to 60 bust! W00T

The pattern is a very simple economical early-mid 40s style with scalloped sleeve options and a hart-shaped neckline. It's ideal for a beginner sewer.

Check it out, tell a friend, and yay sewing!

Don't forget to check out my other social media and be sure to tell your friends!

What Have I been up to!

Man, oh man!

Times, they sure have been busy for me. Gotta hustle for that cash, yo. You know how it is.
You all know about my sewing for the costume makers, Anovos, but I have also been in the interwebs media a bit too!

I know these are a little late in mentioning, because, gotta do that hustle, yo, but they did make me quite proud to be in them and I wanted to share them with you.

I was interviewed for last month's Jan/Feb issue of Sewn magazine! It was an awesome spread, you here is the cover for the issue I was featured in. I know, I know I am so late, and I apologize, but know that I just gots the works ahead of me.

Also, earlier last year, I was contacted with data that I was one of the most popular plus size sewing blogs in the internet!

I used to be #4 but again, the hustle, yo! I'll get back up there as I get more posts into the blog. I'm sure you lovely people will help to get me up there too!

Let's see, what else have I been up to? Not much aside from working on sewing and creating my plus size patterns! My update website is in the cue, and I hope to get that started this month, so I can begin selling patterns on my own site instead of 3rd party sellers. 

I also plan to offer wholesale pricing for the paper patterns once I get a few more patterns in stock, so international buyers won't have to pay monster shipping when they can buy it local from other indie pattern sellers. More info on that later, so if you are a reseller, reach out to me on the next time I post about this and I'll give you my price list on the patterns.

Whew! So much stuff.

Thanks all for putting up with me. I often feel like I drop the ball sometimes with all I have to do to keep my head above water, but I'm glad I have this community to feel good about it all.


Don't forget to check out my other social media and be sure to tell your friends!

Catalog Sunday

Welp, it looks like my NewVintagelady FB page is no more. Facebook just seems to not want to give it back to me, so fuck them.

Here are all the other social media places I am. Be sure to follow me and tell your friends :)
(A new Vintageville site is coming soon, as well as new Vintageville comics)

Searching newvintagelady even in the Googles will get you to my stuff.

Okay, PSA over. Now to pretty catalog images.

This Sunday I have Spiegel, 1945

My NewVintageLady Facebook page has been disabled...hopefully not for long.

Facebook has been for a while doing a crackdown on uses with fake names for a while and it all finally caught up to me and bam! Shut down my account.

Contacting them is a pain, as they really don't give a crap. So I went through their process and we will see when they open it back up to me, if ever.

It happened this morning, so no need to get worried or anything.
And if it isn't opened back up to me, I'll just start another one.

So if you reply on FB, know that I can't answer it for a time :(

They took my pages down.

Let me know if everything on the page is working for you all, will ya?

Also, the clothing, if you just shoot me an email from the link on this blog, I can contact you if you are interested in anything. Okay, back to sewing!

Thanks all!

Catalog Sunday

Hi all! Happy February! Just a quick blog update to tell you all where I am in all my craziness.
Things are getting better. I finished a mammoth 6 month project and I feel a weight has been lifted off me. Weeks of 12 hour days on that and now I can focus on all my other things with more vitality.

The NVL patterns are chugging along. I'm scheduling to have the Amy out in a couple weeks quickly followed by another pattern. My acceleration on the repro patters is high now that the other project is over.

Also, I'm going to have some time to sew for myself! Yay! I can't wait to make my 40 year old self some new clothes! With all the skills I feel I've learned from these industry sewing jobs I've been getting, I feel my skill level has just gone higher. It's a great feeling being able to read a garment just by looking at it's construction.

So stay tuned. I'm on fire now!

Also, I have listed a ton of clothes on my Facebook page for sale. Most between $20 and $50. Skirts, blouses, suits, even a wool cape. Check it out.

Okay, now on to Catalog Sunday.
This Sunday it's Spiegel, 1945

Catalog Sunday

Whew! Between sewing the patterns and working on a massive deadline (to be finished this week, yay) I've been super busy. But I'm making the time for Catalog Sunday!

The Star Wars sewing I've been doing.

Hello everyone and happy new year!

I hope you all had a lovely end of year festivities. Mine were low key, as I'm still attempting to recover from the horrors of what happened to me so close to the start of the new year.

It's been stressful, and I'm thankful for the friends of mine who keep encouraging me and pushing me forward. I'm an optimistic realist, so I want it to work.

In case you were wondering what the title of this blog post is all about, I'll get to that.

I wanted to say that I really plan, with due diligence, to blog more. I'm aiming for at LEAST once a week over Catalog Sundays, of which, I really need to do a long afternoon of scanning.

But these past few months of not blogging does not mean that I have not been sewing.

I recently got a sample sewer position from a company called Anovos which specializes in film accurate costuming. It's pretty cool and this was the first project they had me work on.

Now, I can't really talk about it, but it was a very challenging project. I sewed all the samples on this costume (sans the wrap arms). There is a brown tunic, a gray sash, the pants, and the belt under the leather belt.

I also made this cool Kylo Ren cape. It was a beast, but the Rey costume was MUCH more complicated.

These have taken up a lot of my sewing time, but now that they are in pre-order, I can at least post them! 

Ah, that feels good.

Okay, it's back to work for me. I'll have an update on NVL patterns next week, when I'm totally open to get to work on those lovelies.

Thanks again for all the support and encouragement. I really need it. I need more of it. Ugh. Things from 2017 are still nippin' at my heels as I try and outrun them.

Thank all!

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