Man Month Project: 30s Man's Shirt Pt 3

Today seemed much easier in the shirt making world. I got up early enough to really make some progress, and the thread for the most part acted right.

I put together the double facing yoke. It went on pretty easily. Was even keen enough to match the stripes so there is no ghosting between the pieces. Oh yeah, that's how I roll. 

Ever misspell the word 'of'?

Yea, I know. Sounds silly, right? It happened to me once, and I realize typing about misspelling a word is kind of odd. Is it 'ove', uve', 'ovee'? It happened to me. A complete brain fart for a good five minutes on how to spell that silly two letter word.

Same thing could apply to me working on my man's shirt. I did the sleeve plackets yesterday, and although I've done them before, I simply forgot. I mean I was lost. I totally had a brain fart, and those trite McCall instructions didn't help me much.

Man Month Project: 30s Man's Shirt Pt 1

I've started on my men's shirt. 
This past weekend I went to the thrift store with some friends. I dropped off 5 huge boxes of 60s-80s+ patterns. Ugh. They were taking up major space in my already project filled apartment. It was freeing to release them to whomever is willing to sift through them. More power to them.

Fabric Freakout!

So I was in Playclothes, a cute and I have to say fairly priced vintage wonderland. Some friends and I went and while they were looking for some stuff, I was having a wonder. I generally don't look at clothing in vintage shops because I always think, "I can make that".  They do have a cupboard of yardage, but I had just bought some fabric earlier that week, so I wasn't in the mood. Still, I had fun looking and they have stuff EVERYWHERE and out in the open, which I do like in stores. Stores that keep all their stuff behind the counter make me think they don't trust their customers.

But I digress.

Something in me said to look up, and when I did, 
on a mannequin sitting on top of a rack of men's suits was this!

Catalog Sunday

This for the last Sunday in Man Month I have men's separates from the 1940s.

And the winner is....

"Hey guys, a truck of Brylcream just overturned on the turnpike, 
wanna go roll around in it?"

Congratulations synj-munki

Send me an email and I'll send the pattern on to ya.
Thanks everyone for the entries. There were some great ones!

Man Month Project: 1930s Man's Shirt

Well we are nearing the last week of my Man Month series. 
I'm hoping everyone is still having a good time with it.

My last project is a man's shirt. 

The trials of covering 'in transition' hair.

When I go out and about on errand running, I tend to just have a colorful scarf wrapped around my head to keep my hair under control. My head gets cold easily, at least that's how it feels, so I like to keep it covered. Which is strange considering how much hair I have.

This day my hair was, as I call it, 'in transition'. I had washed and pin curled it because I was going out later that night, and I needed to go out and do stuff during the day. I put on my jeans, a t-shirt and my cardie. Great, what do I put on my head?

Despite my love of hats, when I'm not doing a vintage type event or social outing, I often get quite intimidated prancing around town in a 40's beret. I spent a good half hour choosing a head covering for a simple grocery run! I have to laugh at that.

Men's Underpants conclusion

The home stretch. Or the belt stretch. That's what I had left to do on these undies.

Using my last pair as reference, I took note and notched the back of the strap piece that attaches to the back waist band. The waist band is in two pieces, and there is an adjustable belt build into the back. Quite ingenious, actually. A lot of vintage men's clothing has little treats like that. Side adjusters on slacks that are worn with braces (suspenders) and such.

Man Month guest post: 'How I started as a vintage Fella'

Hi everyone. I have a treat for you all today. I friend of mine, Scott has written a little about how he got started in vintage. I thought his insight would be delightful and add to the month. Enjoy!

It's time for the Man Month Giveaway!!!! Squeeeee!!!

Congratulations synj-munki!

Of course in celebration of our menfolk I'd offer up a give away. 
Come on, who do you think I am? It's a pretty simple one and the prize is pretty choice.

But a little side business and notifications first.
I've reached some more mild milestones. My etsy store has passed its 900th bookmark, and 700th sale! I'm also well on my way to having my 500th product review, yay!

I've put up more pictures of the WWI linen reproduction hat on NVL, and I've put more images in the Air Raid post, and also some links to tons of pro photographers online who were there. There are some great shots!

Catalog Sunday

Men should wear more sweaters. Seriously. Sweaters are hot.
Shawl collars earn extra points.

Chicago Mail Order winter '40 '41

Just Because...

Montgomery Wards summer 1941

Do all men smoke on button cards?

I don't know what it is about button cards for men, but I've found a startling number of them where the fella is smoking. So many so, that now I have quite the collection. I'm obsessed! There are still about two or three that I know of floating around out there that I have yet to get. But rest assured, they will be mine some day.

Here is the extent of my own collection.

Man Month Project: The WWI Hat in linen conclusion

Last night some friends and I went to Lindy Groove in Pasadena. It's a Thursday night dance fest full of great swing musing and fun. I've been before, and had a good time. It's strange. Some in the dancing circles around the LA area think of Lindy Groove as like the 'dinner' of dancing places. They often say the music sucks, but this time there was a good DJ that most seem to agree on, so I thought it was a good time.

This time I've had a few dance lessons and went to the free class they offered and learned quite a bit. Even was asked to dance a couple of times. One lead threw me around like a rag doll, it was fun.

Men's Underpants Pt 2

Happy Thursday everyone. After finishing my WWI hat (more on that tomorrow), I already had my machine all loaded up with my white cotton thread, so I worked more on the men's underpants.

Man Month Project: The WWI Hat in linen

This hat I was particularly interested in starting. 
I truly like the cut and to remake a man's hat was going to be an adventure for me.

Mending Men's Suits

I tell you, I'm just smitten with the Make and Mend culture of the 40s. I recently came across this booklet from 1943 published by the USDA. I have quite a few USDA war time booklets, but very few dedicated to men's clothing.

Make & Mend thanks to the Men

One thing I've always found fascinating about WWII home front culture is the Make & Mend mentality that was so heavily pushed by everyone. Using what you have so as not to deprive those that need for a larger effort. That's so commendable in today's throw away culture.

Pants pants pants party!

Taking a post brake from Man Month to show my new jeans. I based them from my 40s repro pattern and I'm finally happy with the fit. I slimed down the leg a bit because the original width of the cuff was monstrous. Even slimed down the width of the cuff is still 20" around!

The first pair I made are with the orange jean thread. They are my new kick around pants.

Hart Schaffner & Marx 1921

Today I have stylish mens fashion illustrations from an early 1920s garment catalog.
I love the slim cuts and nipped waistlines of early 20s menswear.
It's a hard look to pull off.

Manners for Moderns: Why is Etiquette?

As I clear out the crickets from my last two posts, I continue on with Man Month and a section of the book, 'Manners for Moderns'. I find it amusing that even though this book is written for men, it was written by a woman. Ha!

Try the quiz at the bottom of the post.

Catalog Sunday

This Sunday continuing with my Man Month theme, I'm posting underpants for the fellas from the early 40s. Enjoy!

Chicago Mail Order 1940/41

Men's Underpants Pt 1

Everyone need undies. Hey, I'm wearing them right now! I would hope you are too but I'm not going to impose on your right to go commando.

(scans from Sears summer '43)

For those that *do* partake in the practice of undies, please, read on.

March is Man Month on NVL!!

Hi everyone! I'm back from my blogging brake!
It was nice. I totally needed to step away for a while, work on some other projects.
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