sloper [n]: a basic pattern that follows the natural lines and represents the basic dimensions of a figure, from which all styles are based on. Also called basic pattern, block pattern, or foundation pattern.

Onda and I were having coffee and she said,
". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
And I was all, "Yeah." And she said,
". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
"Okay, we can try that."
Id never made a base pattern. I didn't even know how, but I was getting tired of reworking shoulders and dragging out the one pattern that I really liked the fit to match it up to my current work so I wouldn't have that much issue with fit. Then I was all, hey, can't a base pattern help with that?
Onda said, ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
How can I argue with that? I got out my muslin, and bulked up Onda with a couple of t shirts.

Then I sewed a band around her waist and marked her in half. I also marked 7" down for the hips and in the back I did a different marking to make the back level with the front in case I was going to make an over the waist jacket or something.
I did two different bodice patterns, one with the dart beneath the arm, and one with the dart on the shoulder. I have a lot of gathered bust patterns so I thought putting the extra fabric up there was a good call.

I still cant believe her body is my body. She's so shapely.

I've done the front, back and front and back for a skirt. I even remembered to match up the darts on the waist to the ones on the skirt, like all my vintage patterns. I'm going to mark the seam allowance later and do a mock up. Once thats done and the fit is good, I plan on tracing the base minus the seam allowance onto heavy card stock and use it as a map for altering my patterns.
Threads Magazine did. I of course WOULD find this article AFTER I did all this, right!?
I just made a sloper, I'm gettin' fancy!