MnM Progress

Hi all!
This past week had me in a tizzy. I got sick, and it just took over. I was even out from work for 4 days. I thought, that's it, I'm going to the doctor, for real.

I've just started an insurance plan, so I was relieved to establish a primary care phisician. She was nice and stayed with me for a time to get to the root of my problem. She concluded I was healthy and that with all other evidence, this pointed to a sinus infection.

My left ear is apparently clogged, so not enough air equals goo forming and me getting sick. Well dang blasted! She's put me on a regimen and the cough syrup she prescribed is making me high :) but I think I'm on the road to permanent recovery, for good this time. SO GLAD.

I've been sick all week.

Sorry about the lack of posts. I've had a nasty cold all week and sewing isn't really on my feel better list right now. I'll see how I feel this weekend.


Details make all the difference.

I do like these very much.

They do help to brake up the space very well and I'm glad that I did both shirring and the pin-tucking for them. I love the contrast of the textures and I've already received compliments on them!

Progress on the pin tucks, shirr nuf!

Happy Friday everyone.
Last night I was determined to make some real progress on the pin tuck pillow cover I mentioned yesterday. I was all set to dedicate a good couple hours to getting some tucked rows inver my belt when I got three phone calls all relating to work! Two freelance gigs and a sewing proposition! Wha! I tell you, when it comes, it comes.

So I was feeling pretty good and only able to get a few rows in.

Too much red.

I love looking at other people's dome decor. It's a great way to grab inspiration in places where people actually live instead of only magazines and photos on pintrest. I recently was looking through this thread on the Fedora Lounge and was just inspired by all the variations of vintage and modern fused together.

It would appear I love the color red. I'm not ashamed of it, I do like living with warm colors around me. I've had red drapes since I lived in San Francisco, and I think they add a dramatic flare to a space, especially when sunlight shines through.


This week on Cool Vintage Things on the Internet:

Okay, while this site isn't distinctly vintage, it sates my need for cool minimalist modern/mid-century design. Yeah the vintage stuff is heavily 80s, but if you explore some of the other sections, the sleek minimalist feel is super delicious.

Here are some images from the 'vintage' section.

Finished Royalchrome chair

Happy Tuesday one and all. 
I feel I have neglected you all these last few weeks. It's been stressful at work, and its strange, the more you try to maximize your time, the less you appear to have.

I've also been doing some walks/hikes after work. Generally 2 1/2 miles a day. Those have been fun and take about an hour after work, so that cuts into my sewing time, but thats time for me. I day dream a lot during my walks. I sort out projects in my head, think through characters and stories. You know, me time :)

I have also gotten quite a few sewing projects. I'm starting on a dress tonight, and I'll be doing a dress commission, and a pair of pants on commission. Not to worry, those will be blog posts, too!

But I have had some time to work on some MnM projects. 

One being the final cushion cover for my royalchrome set. Look, I know you all are more than likely tired of hearing about my obsessive royalchrome...obsession, but hey, I can't stop yammering about these things. I love them so.

I got a new bed!

Happy Friday everyone!

It's been a nice week. The first rain storm of the fall happened today making everything smell clean and fresh. My new cushions for the royalchrome chair came and all I have to do is finish the covers for them.

Cool Vintage Things on the Internet (CVTotI)

The Pintrest board is by a user named Robert Stead.

Aren't they cool! I love finding little treasures like this online!
Remember, if you find something cool that should be shared please sent me an email and I'll share it.

Day Project: Lining my beach purse

Good Tuesday one and all.

It's October and fall us among us. Though the weather is getting cooler, even for California, all I have been thinking of lately is Las Vegas. What? Yeah, Las Vegas. I've had my room booked for months now, and it will be my first time at Viva Las Vegas next year.

I've got a lot of outfits planned, but I decided to get started on some of the smaller things and one of them thus far fits into my MnM schedule.

MnM 2012: Pillow Cases for a shoddy Pillow

Happy Saturday one and all. 
I hope your week ending festivities are going well. I'm at home sewing all day and I have to say I love it. Granted, they are not projects I would WANT to do, but need to be done.

But before I hit the trails with some other non me projects, I wanted to get this one out of the way first.

Gearing up for weekend sewing.

Happy Friday everyone.
As the work week winds up, I will be gearing up for two days of side work sewing for other people. 
I have a new dress commission that I'm excited about. I also will be making a pattern from a pair of men's pants. THAT is going to be a treat. Plus I have tons of tailoring for other people. Whew!

Granted, not all of this will be done this weekend. 
Though, there is a personal project I do hope to squeeze in here and there. Some MnM items being one.I also finished all the piping for the two cushion that I'm having delivered next week. Man, that's a lot of piping.

Cool Vintage things on the Internet

This week I have a cool Flickr photo stream called Black History Heritage

Great images from all types and dynamics of Black History.
Negro Soldier by Thomas Heart Benton 1942
Black Jockey in riding silks
African American Couple
Take some time and flip through. There are some great images there. Thanks Black History Heritage!
Remember, if you all have some cool vintage related, of color, plus size, or fashion resources online, please let me know by sending me and email and I'll happily share the links.

August Showcase!!

Happy October everyone!
Time for a recap of last month's goodies.

My main haul being my Royalchrome. For those who are sick of hearing about my love for this furniture, tough :)

Oh! Random cat picture!! Brasco has his own chair.

I got the chair together and put that in the living room. I ordered two cushions for it that I hope will be here by the end of the week, and I got out the rest of the fabric I had and got to piping.

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