All paper patterns 50% off!

I'm clearing out my sewing area for the new pattern work I'm going to be doing in 2017 and all my old NVL women's paper patterns are on fire sale! Priced below cost, really! I just want the space. 
They are all ready to go! 
Get them while they last. In stock patterns only!

Fat People on TV: the 2016 edition

I haven't done this series in a while and frankly, it's because there have not been many fat people on TV lately.

With #oscarssowhite last year, and minorities of all stripes fighting for representation, you are starting to see more different types of characters being shown in TV and movies. Sometimes, that isn't the case for fat people. Most of the time when characters are fat, often like race, it's a huge if not singular part of their story arch or the main focus of the show/series altogether.

With diversity becoming a mainstay instead of a novelty, thankfully we are seeing more types of different people exploring different dynamics of the same root identity. Fat people too.

If you recall my last post on Fat People on TV, I highlighted quite a lot of different shows. Some I thought were stellar and gone too soon, and others I felt could bump it up a bit. This time is no different and while I'm sure I haven't seen all the shows of diversity in body representation, I want to showcase some that really stood out to me this year and perhaps a couple years before.

We're funded!

 Thank you all for helping me get this pattern line off the ground. I'm going to be hosting a Facebook live session this Thursday at 5:30PM PST to answer questions or whatever else you all want to know about me :) Then after that I'll touch base after the holiday and we will get things rolling!

Last hours of the Kickstarter!!! ITS ALMOST OVER!!!

Whew! In the last hours of my kickstarter. Just a couple hundred dollars (literally) for the stretch goal of extended sizing (listed above). Oh! You all have no idea how excited I am about this.
If you've pledges, consider adding a few bucks more, or share the campaign, or...just cheer me on! 
Thanks so much for all the support!
Yay sewing!!!

Monday Share the Campaign Day

Happy Monday lovely people.

Wow, it's still setting in. My pattern line has been funded! So super excited about that. Thank you all! Also, the exclusive design I created has ALSO been funded!

Now, I want to be able to make this in all the sizes, so please help with that. My last and most ambitious stretch goal is to take the sizing of my pattern line to 60 bust! So, all you seamstress folks out there know anyone who says "they don't make sewing patterns in my size" take this message to them, share the kickstarter on social media, and even word of mouth! It's all helpful!

Okay, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving (and a happy week for those lovely non US folks) and I will chat with you seen!

Yay Sewing!

Catalog Sunday and FUNDED!!!!

Well, well,'s happened. We funded the campaign! Thank you all sooooooo much. You have no idea how super excited I am to get started on this. It's something I've wanted to do for years and now I can. Yes!

I have a few stretch goals so be sure to check those out, especially if you are larger than a 52 bust ;)

This Catalog SUnday i's Chicago Mail Order 1935, coats edition!

I got a boost!

My campaign got mentioned in Kickstarter's email newsletter. Yay!
I'm so almost there, lovely people. Less than $1,800 to go until funded! Please don't wait until the end, put me out of my insanity!


75% funded! Let's finish this!

Almost there. Please share this post, tell your friends, and let everyone know!
Stay happy!

Please please please please share this link on social media! Please!!!

WOW! Over 50% funded in two days!

Man, oh man!
Didn't think that would happen so fast but so glad it did!
Thank you all so much, and for those who have not backed my plus size sewing pattern kickstarter, what better way to start your weekend! *wink wink*


My Kickstarter campaign relaunched.

Hello lovely people. Either I really believe in this project, or I'm just asking for it. Wither way, I've relaunched my multi-sizing campaign on kickstarter and need backers as well as people to share the campaign.

FB groups

Two major things that have happened from the last campaign are I was able to get a new printer and it's reduced the prices of the paper patterns by $5. The new price is reflected in the reward pledges.

Also, I extended the length of this campaign. It runs...UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY! Yeah! You heard it. This big gamble ends on my birthday!

So if you were a backer of the last one, got notice a bit too late, or were thinking about backing it, here is the second chance. I could really use your support.


My Kickstarter, the last week!

The other day I had some one tell me how super professional they thought my Kickstarter campaign was. They had backed a few campaigns, and they were really impressed with mine. From the video to the body copy, to the images, everything.

That made me feel so great. I'd been working on this project for months, researching campaigns, talking with people who had done them and what they did to make them successful, and I followed their suggestions to the letter. I wanted to make sure everything was visually clear, concise, and easy to follow.

I even storyboarded my campaign video and set up a makeshift recording studio for the audio (I'm SO not a sound dude) :)

But it all comes down to the backers. Campaigns can only do so much, but its the backers enthusiasm about a project, sharing it, telling their friends about it, keeping it fresh, that really truly sells it. Some campaigns have that naturally, others, like me, have to work for it.

If you have a blog or a facebook page, please share my campaign a few times this week. If you can tweet about it, please to so. And don't forget to back my campaign! 

Word of mouth is amazing too. Social media is all about personal endorsements. People trust that.

We can do this, y'all!

Kickstarter and Catalog Sunday: Edit, new campaign!

Hi all.I've restarted the Kickstarter Campaign and its ending on Dec. 13, 2016!
Thanks all and now Catalog Sunday!

Kickstarter and Catalog Sunday: Edit, new campaign!

Hi all.I've restarted the Kickstarter Campaign and its ending on Dec. 13, 2016!
Thanks all and now Catalog Sunday!

Support my Kickstarter!

72 backers and 27% funded.
I've got 11 days remaining to make this dream possible. I really hope you all will help.
Donate to the campaign, and share this to all your favorite blogs, and Facebook sewing groups. It's getting down to the end!

Thanks and happy sewing!

Catalog Sunday

Oops and a half! Sorry about no Catalog Sunday last week. Just doing the business, you know!
Don't forget, Two weeks remain on my Kickstarter! Lets make this happen everyone! I'd love to multi-size my line!

Have a great Sunday!

Kickstarter: 18 days remain

These banners are GREAT for Instagram!

Catalog Sunday

There MUST be Catalog Sunday.
Sorry it's late. So many things being worked on :)

Montgomery Wards, 1940

Support my Kickstarter for multi sized plus size patterns!

Its live!

Please share with friends and family (exposure is the biggest hurdle) and I will keep everyone posted, or better yet, you can follow on my Kickstarter page!
We can do this!

Mexican Painted Skirt restoration...and news!

 Hey everyone!
It's been a while since I've done a sewing post. I've been busy, and I think I'm nearly ready to reveal why. But first, check out this AMAZING Mexican painted skirt I got a couple months ago.

It has the same image on both sides and it is in amazing shape. The more I looked over it I realized most of these skirts were made to be disposable because of how cheap the fabric is that they are made of. In any case, this amazing sample has stood the test of time and she is mine now.
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