The Ultimate Vintage Notion Find! UPDATED!

Hello lovely people. 
Yesterday Brian and I made our pilgrimage to the Observatory. He met tons of doggies and had a great time. Afterwards I gussied up in one of my dresses and went to Playclothes to pick up some repairs.

Every last Friday of the month, the street that Playclothes is on has a 'Ladies Night.' The shops stay open until 9pm and the street is lined with food trucks. That is neither here nor there. I'm just setting the mood. When I need to get some notions for repairs, I get to look through their massive stockpile or goodies.

You all know I'm no stranger to great notions. I have a nearly obsessive love for buttons, and thought I'm not as hard core, I do loves me some zippers.

This is my personal zipper stash. I primarily deal with metal zippers and often pick up vintage lots online when ever I see them. Some of the more unique in my current pile are:

Massive bunches of one color.

A metal toothed invisible zipper.

A placket zipper (note the closed top) made for dresses.

And then some lovelies that are waiting for another use.

While I was looking through zippers in Playclothes, I found these.

I have never, ever, ever seen these types of slide fasteners before. Ever. The buttons are about 1" tall by 3/4" wide and bakelite.  They are clearly early to mid 30s and work perfectly.

I saw these a few months ago and totally geeked out. I finally got a chance to see if I could get them and presto! I'm thrilled to have them in my collection and have been thinking all evening in how to use them, because hell yes, I am going to use them.

Off white with brown bakelite buttons.

Black with red buttons.

The green one I think is the most unique. It's got what people call 'apple juice' colored buttons. So cool! The tape used for the fasteners is cotton. I'm going to give them a delicate soak to clean them (with my only concern being the metal backing and the pull tab) and then I get to use them. Squeeee!!!

I made a doodle of what I'm thinking.

Have any of you all ever seen these types of notions before? I'm so curious about them and want to know more about them.

Alright lovely people, have a great day!!


After a quick patent search, though I can find no manufacturing info:

y 1937- J. SPIELBERGER 2,081,514
Patented May 25, 1937 TAES Aim OFFICE i Claims.
This invention relates to improvements in slide fasteners and relates more particularly to an improved slide fastener of the type wherein the individual fasteners are provided with longitudina] apertures and slots between the apertures and the side walls, the apertures being adapted to receive a beading on the marginal edges of the flexible tape or stringer. The individual fastener elements are secured in spaced relation to a flexible tape so that when the leading fastener is drawn, the others follow in said spaced relation.
Previous slide fasteners of this general character have been unsatisfactory for the reason that no suitable means had been found for securing the drawing tape to the fastener elements. A fastener made in accordance with the present invention may be constructed of any suitable material, although it is desirable to form the main body of the fasteners from plastic material. In
order to make a fastener of this type attractive in appearance it is expedient to construct the individual fastener elements as small as possible and inasmuch as articles made from plastic material frequently break or crack, each of the fastener elements in the preferred embodiment of the invention is provided with a flanged metal reinforcing plate which is secured to the rear of the fastener, the plate also serving to secure the flexible draw tape thereto.


  1. I hoard vintage zippers like a mad woman, I'm not sure why I do lol. I was going through my stash and cleaning up the other day and pulled out a handful of zips, some I forgot I even owned. I've never seen those kinds of fasteners before, they look really cool!

  2. I've never seen zippers like those before, they are absolutely cool. What an awesome find. Thanks for sharing those with your readers. I geeked out on the visuals!

  3. These are GREAT! Is there a manufacturer's name anywhere on them? Maybe they were some kind of prototype that never got off the ground.

  4. No manufacture or date or company. Only a patent number.

  5. I am not going to spend the evening looking those up. No. But....damn!
    You can look stuff up by the patent number....


  7. Oh my, those slide fasteners are amazing! I've never ever seen them before either. Totally geeking out!

  8. 90% of my zippers are vintage one from my local thrift store. Thats one of the few notions that I always buy if prized correctly. no more than 50 cents a piece.

  9. Those are SO COOL! Awesome post about zippers!


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