The future of NewVintageLady

A new beginning always involves packing.
Hello Moving boxes.
I'm finally starting to pack. I get my keys to the new place on the 16th, I've arranged movers for the 25th, and I've gotten two large boxes together for donation so far.

Two and counting.
As I was purging things (my goal is 1/3 of my stuff) I was unearthing some of my earlier projects that I made about 5 years ago when I lived in San Francisco.

I wore this once when I worked at Stitch Lounge.
I wore this 50s inspired number to my first Queen Mary event.
Those buttons are vintage. They are coming with Mama.
I really like this one. The fabric is cool. I'm gonna keep it. :)
I've begun to donate pants, blouses, shoes and the like. Of course, I'm taking some of my vintage notions back. Most of these garments are too large now, and I've gotten way, way better at fitting, so they are not worth taking them apart to salvage fabric (sans that houndstooth wool). I don't mind giving these up, as I think they are totally wearable. I even donated one of my early 60s capes I made. I never wear it and the fabric is stretch. I don't do stretch.

I remember this modern kitchy number. Its got really high armholes and its in the waist now, but the boobs are still a bit too tight so I think Ill add gussets to the underarms and start wearing it again.

Stuff I'm keeping boxes.
With the moving, I'm thinking about so many things all together. 
One being the future of NewVintageLady.

Okay, don't worry. I'm not quitting, or even slowing down! No, that's not what I mean. I'm pondering if I want to take NVL to another level. I own the domain, and it costs me nothing to make a store.newvintagelady or a blog.newvintagelady, you know?

This is also going to be my third year of NVL!

The reason I'm pondering the change is my etsy sales have nosedived. I use the money I make from that  venture for all the fabric and fun I post about here. So it's like it keeps this place going, which I love and admire (thanks loyal shoppers). Yet, Etsy has changed their search functionality, and it's killing me. NOW I'm paying for ads and they are not helping much to draw in new people. So not only have my sales decreased by 45%-60%, but I am now paying twice as much to advertise for less!

Making my own online store gives me certain advantages: Less back end costs, independence, and more control. There are also disadvantages: less support, less traffic, and Etsy has a great Google presence.

My question to you lovely people is, would you follow me if I made my own online store?
I was chatting with Lauren from the cool venture Wearing History and she did this last year for a lot of the same reasons. I guess I'm a late bloomer, but now I understand. 

So much going on, so much to think about. I guess what I would like to hear is some feedback on this. As my clients, I'm curious what you think if I did decide to go this more independent route. Would you support it? Shop with me? Still follow a new blog?

These decisions are weeks, if not months down the road, so fear not sudden change! Just let me know what you all think.

Okay, have a super day!


  1. I may be biased, being an ex-Etsy seller, but I say do it. I see no reason why people wouldn't follow you there.

    Admittedly, I haven't made a purchase from you yet, although I've been wanting to for ages. I will definitely do so if you switch!

    BTW, you might try looking into the 'ecwid' cart. It's what I use and it's SO much easier than anything else I've found. The only drawback is the free version only supports up to 100 items.

  2. I will totally follow you, speaking of I need to order a new pattern soon anyhow.

  3. I think you've built up your brand to the point where you can move it. You are THE go-to source for plus-sized vintage or repro patterns and the word is out there.

  4. I would probably check your store before etsy if I were shopping for patterns. I prefer to order from vendors I know.

  5. Do it ;) You can always test the waters with your site, and if it doesn't work out can keep on selling things on Etsy.
    I'm totally disappointed in the way Etsy has changed things. I wish instead of tinkering with other things they'd give us more options for things we need as sellers. Sales have been horrible on there for me, too, ever since they changed it. *sigh*

  6. I would follow your new blog. You're etsy store doesn't seem to be in my size range but I would buy it if I could.

  7. Hmm, I feel your pain with the Etsy sales. I started a vintage shop hoping to earn fbaric money, but not tons of luck, even though I have tweaked tags, and show up in the beginning of search.

    I looked at a few of your listings, for the booklets, and whenever I want something like that I search "pattern catalog", maybe you could make that as your tag? Maybe more people search like that, lol. Perhaps, you could keep the Etzy store and your own domain at the same time and phase Etsy out gradually? :]

  8. Thanks for the feedback and support you all. You all are awesome! Please, keep the comments coming!

  9. I would absolutely definitely shop at your new store! I love your patterns, and I don't really mind where I buy them from :) good luck with the packing and sorting and moving, enjoy your new home!

  10. I found your web site first then bought from your itsy site. So I say go for it, you have the best blog in this catagory already.

  11. I think you have created enough presence to strike out on your own! I found you first than your etsy :)

  12. Like Tammie, I found your blog first. I think I found it from another blog, but don't remember which one anymore. You've got a reputation, so no reason I can see why you can't leverage that to slide away from Etsy. I'll be following you.

  13. I found you blog first too. Definitely go for it with the move! You could always leave your repros up on Etsy for newbies to find you, then 'discover' your website. I think that's how I found Wearing History, actually.. And the Vintage Pattern Lending Library maintains an eBay presence but has better prices through their site. (VPLL I found through eBay.) Good luck!

    - Sarah @ PatternVault

  14. I'd follow you if you move. You are my main source for larger vintage patterns and I have bought some NVL patterns too. :)

  15. I will follow your blog if you move!

  16. I am in the middle of switching to a stand alone site right now. It's tricky, and I have needed help but it is functional and all the bells and whistles are coming soon. I wanted more control and not have somebody else tell me how to do business. My business.
    I say go for it. Yes, it will take some elbow grease, but you'll have something you're proud of and the sales will follow.

  17. i'd be totally happy if you did a store yourself instead of on etsy! you work hard and have a distinct, niche pattern market...don't let etsy eat up your $$$!

  18. Like the other ladies, I found your blog first. I'd order from you if there were items in my size, too. Have you thought about using eCrater? It's free with no posting limit & Google-searchable. Good luck with the move!

  19. I've been having a really rough stint with etsy too. DOWN with the search changes! have been wanting to make a web site for ages but I just haven't worked up the nerve to give it a go. I would actually love to read some blog posts about your process as you try it, I would find that immensely helpful. Of course I'll still follow you at a new website, bookmarking is easy!
    Also, my blog is a little bit smaller than yours but I would love to interview you for a post, maybe it would generate a few extra sales?
    If so, we can work out the details over email (

  20. Hi there, I know it's a bit late in the day... I will be buying from you. Not being on Etsy won't harm you as you have already created a strong on-line presence.I think whatever shopfront you have it'll be important to show you have a history of happy satisfied customers, good customer serices for when things go wrong or exchanges are requested, and that you can be easily found and traced (which you are.)


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