The Plain Pattern Project recap

Happy New Year everyone!

With the benchmark of a new year I feel a bit ashamed at asking, what happened!?
The Plain Pattern Project kind of teetered off the far end for mostly everyone. I get it, we all get busy, but I tried my darndest to keep it going and finished my three dresses. Did anyone finish?

Perhaps I was not the best hostess for the project. I did try to encourage as much as I could. Even hosted two giveaways? Is there anything else I could have done, or was I just a victim to the tide of people with busy lives? I think the ladder.

Well, it's water under there bridge.
With the positive view of the philosophy of the PPP, I think it can be an ongoing sewing tenant. Take a look at those plain patterns every once and a while. Appreciate them and study the craftsmanship of them. I can't tell you how much I learned from this exercise.

I made my three dress for the PPP and although I used the same pattern, 
each dress was a challenge all its own.

Dress 1: A dress as close to the original pattern.

I made this first one out of linen and I didn't alter the sleeves. 
Its a good fit, but I wish I had raised the neckline a bit more. 
Which is what I did on the second dress.

Dress 2: Vintage Seersucker

This version of the dress I made from some vintage fabric I had in my stash. 
I had to do some piecing, but it turned out great.

Dress 3: My Halloween Dress.

This one made up real quick and easy. 
I used my Catlin buttons and even did bound buttonholes. Turned out great.

I learned a lot from this project and plan to do more PPP garments in the future. 

Did anyone else complete their PPP? 
Anyone else plan on doing the PPP again?


  1. No I did get a pattern & some fabric choosen and a few pieces cut out but then life got busy. I teach at a fine arts studio and had several performances added to the calendar at the last minute. As teacher & dancer something had to go & work was not it. However, for Christmas we wanted to get our girls a nice dress for Christmas & beyond. Woah...what happened to nice girls dresses? My very thin 11 yo (think a toddler size around on a much taller body) could either look cheap or be naked. The 4 yo could be a walking billboard or cheap. Colors, styles, what a disaster. We did find a dress for the younger girl on sale - a store bought version of my plain pattern choice! Talk about irony. Now the plan is to try to spend a little time on the weekends to get going. I figure the more I make the dress the quicker it will go. Hey it couldn't look worse than the choices for sale in the store.

  2. I can't say that I ever really dew for myself. something I hope to remedy this year!

  3. I think this challenge was a great idea and I really hoped to do it, but as you said, "life got in the way". I was hoping to make a vintage baby item from one of my old patterns, but it's a struggle to find time to make one of something, never mind 3! Maybe next time if you did 2 versions, one as the pattern and one different, it would be easier. It was a great idea, though, and I love your blog. Hope I can participate in your next challenge!

  4. I dont think the goal is to make it easier. I mean, a sew-along is supposed to present a challenge.

    I get it, life gets in the way. Happened to me, and it is voluntary after all :)

    I guess I expected more people to be up the the challenge of it. Its 3 garments with an average of 5 weeks to complete each one. Thats a lot of time especially when the main complaint of sew-alongs is the short deadlines.

    Is it that people don't really like doing them, just following them?

  5. Sadly I didn't hear about the PPP till the year was mostly over and i couldn't fit it into my schedule. I'd love to give it a shot if you decide to do it again :) I love how different all 3 of your dresses turned out!

  6. It was a great idea, Shelly, for me life just got in the way and I was unable to do any sewing. Hopefully 2012 will change that.

  7. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I know that after August, it is all about making presents for the people. And for the next months, it's all about making another The Dress for a pal. Half labour of love, half paid endeavor. And to that end, a present:

  8. I have finished two of the three dresses and the third is cut and half sown on my table i tried to finish it in time for the dead line, but it just wasnt possible, I hope to finish it and post my picture in the flicker by the end of the month. I hope this doesnt affect any future sew alongs. I thought this was a fab idea.


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