Another tailored jacket in a week?

Good morning lovely people.

I'd been thinking about what I'm going to sew next for me because I have been going through so many projects for others. Now that it's winter, I was thinking it would be a good time to sew some knits. I envision myself in my own custom t-shirts with cool necklines and perhaps a 3/4 length sleeve but cut to a vintage standard. Oh yes, I can see that.

As you all know, I wear t-shirts beneath everything I make. I just like the shielding, so me making my own shirts would be cool next step in my clothing evolution. Next, underwear (no, kidding....for now). I also thought this would be a good way to finally, finally utilize the 5 cone serger I use at only half capacity.

I've always wanted to play with doing complete garments on the serger. It's capable of doing a chain stitch alongside an overlock, perfect for fabric with a bit of stretch.

I'd never loaded the serger with all five cones before, and I had never attached two needles either, so I was concerned the machine was not alined even though I had it serviced a year-is ago. I got out my instruction booklet and loaded the needle.

I then threaded the first and last spool and started my adventure. 
After playing a bit with altering the tension, I got everything to pretty much run smoothly.

See those gaps in the chain stitch? Well, that causes the entire stitch to unthread. Bummer. I messed around with tensions for a good twenty minutes and even used less gas and more gas on the presser foot and still got no consistent chaining. I was kind of upset. This is muslin, so I tried it on some cotton t-shirts to see if that may have something to do with it.

After playing with it, I was able to get *more* consistency, but not enough to trust a long continuous stitch. Now, I haven't tried different needle types and that *may* have something to do with it, but as it stands, my trying to sew more with the 5 cones is on hold. Perhaps I'll play with the ruffling and elastic stretch features it has (I know, right!) at a later date.

But this brings up another dilemma.
There is a tweed pub crawl coming next week, and I have nothing to wear.

The jacket in a week project I did a few years ago is hanging in my closet, 4" too large and I was wondering I I had the time (and energy) to take on another less-tailored jacket to wear.

What better style to do than a clean princess seamed jacket.

Because I'm trying no to buy any more fabric, I am using this plaid tweed alongside a few color blocks. The gray is a thick felted wool that I'd use for the back of the jacket, the plaid for the front of the jacket, and the brown for the sleeves. At least that was the plan.

I put it in the drier. I've done it before, but for some reason when I was taking it out of the washer, I thought, "I could hang this to dry but I'm impatient and want to have it dry now." Big mistake. Oh, it's ruined. The fabric is thread bare in places, scorched in others, and the smooth texture is gone. I *could* use it for interlining (I'm planning to interline the front of this jacket), but I have some material ready for that. So now I have to see if I have enough gray for the sleeves.

Right now on my sewing table I have a movie monster costume and another on the way plus some non sewing projects. So busy. So happy to be so busy.

So do you all think I can do it? I think I can, but I could use some encouragement.
Alright, have a great day!!


  1. Wishing you luck on the jacket--I know you have the sewing chops to do it. Loving on all the dog shots---love your boy.

  2. Eager to see your jacket - Love the brown plaid. I too wear T-shirts under almost all my jackets/tops and am branching out in trying to sew my own.

  3. RE: sewing your own T-shirts/undershirts, I started doing this a couple of years ago, and it is so. worth it. (for me at least) I *love* putting on a t-shirt and knowing it's not going to pull across the bust or creep up from the hips to bunch around my waist, that the sleeves are going to be the right length and the neckline appropriate to my preferences. Once you have a pattern it takes about 30 minutes to whip one up, less if you're sewing in batches.
    You can totally sew them with a regular serger or just a sewing machine; I've done both and not had any issues with popping stitches or anything.

  4. Looking forward to seeing that jacket I know you can make. Love to see photos of your companion. I especially liked the pic of your hand and his paw, sweet.

  5. Oh, we need a sad moment for the drier fail. (sad). Eh, if you didn't try you would never fail. And what would that do ya? Or that's what I tell myself when this stuff happens.

  6. Thank you for your condolences, SJ Kurtz. It was only a yard of fabric, but it had so much life. *sigh* It will be missed.


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