My 2015 year end assessment as mostly told through pictures of Brian.

Hello lovely people.

This year has been a real hard one, as I'm sure so many people have had. A lot of struggle and hopelessness and so many "what ifs" going on in my brain.

Catalog Sunday

Hey everyone!
Work is work, and I haven't had much time to sew, but I have a few projects that I CAN talk about that I'm going to be digging into soon. In the mean time, I take it footwear fabulousness will suffice?

Montgomery Wards, 1940.

Catalog Sunday: Birthday Edition

Hi lovelies. This Catalog Sunday I thought I'd post some seriously coveted fashions by yours truly. If I had the time, means and place to wear these amazing pieces, I'd be all over that shit.

Lane Bryant 1931
All about details!

Catalog Sunday: Home Decor Edition

With my recent move, I always get the urge to look for cool and vintage furniture.
Montgomery Wards, 1938.

I moved!

Hello lovely people!
I know I have been out of it for a while, but these last few weeks are because I moved to a new place.
I didn't plan on moving, but a real nice opportunity came up and I decided I needed a change. I was tired of spending all my time on gathering rent and no time to play or work on other projects, and now I have that breathing room.

Cool Vintage Things on the Internet (CVTotI)

Haven't sone one of these in a while. There are lot s of archival resources popping up lately :)

Hundreds of Historic Photos of Buffalo Released

by   / Oct. 8, 2015 11am EST
Yale recently digitized and released over 170,000 photos taken by the Farm Security Administration during the Great Depression, and 331 of them were from Buffalo and Erie County. The photos, which primarily document the lives of everyday laborers and their families in Buffalo, were originally meant to gin up support for New Deal-style government programs, many of which had just been thrown out by the courts.

The interactive map is so cool. 

Search old historical areas of your families or where you want to see how it used to look. I found this one searching my county in Louisville (Jefferson county) and its by the MIssissippi river! How cool!

Have fun everyone!!

Look everybody, I made an outfit!

I made this outfit for the Vegan Oktober fest this past weekend and it was a big hit. I got a lot of compliments on it. The skirt is dyed red, with a vintage border I got at a yard sale a couple of years ago. The skirt is made from my trusty wrap dress pattern, I just closed the front. 

My repro line is going PDF!

To cut down on costs, paper, shipping and a whole host of other stresses, I'm converting my current pattern line into print at home PDF files available in my ETSY store. Right now I have  two available and more this week.

There are no plans for multi-sizing right now, but in the distant future…perhaps. 

But if you are interested in a pattern now, let me know and I'll move it to the top of the conversion list.


Casual work on a dress.

Hello lovely people.

Brian and Brandy after being out in the sun too long.
We're in the car because walking got to be too much.

Playclothes Friday: Graveyard castoffs.

Hello lovely people.
I haven't done a Playclothes Friday in a few weeks because I haven't had much to repair. I have some old projects I will post but I have to look up the photos.

I do have a couple of items that were graveyard that I got gifted from Playclothes and I'm making use out of them.

Vintage Pattern Selling is Dead

I'm sure you've all noticed.
The bubble has popped.

The furvor is over and all that remains are a bunch of mediocre patterns and the novice sellers who think they are worth more than they are.

For the time being, let's remove supply and demand from the pattern selling equation. We all know that panic bidding is really what drives up the prices in our little world. Sans that, drove up the prices. You see, actual demand has gone to the side and been replaced with laughable price tags from someone looking to gouge because, "I found a pattern and it has to be worth something!"

It's not as if I long for the heyday of 6 years ago when vintage sewing patterns were their most expensive. I long for those times because of the ample variety. Oh, so many types of patterns in all price ranges were available to those shoppers just starting out all the way to the super serious collector dropping $400 on a 20s hat pattern (it happened!).

That's what made me start selling to tell you the truth. I'd buy a pattern, feel like a glutton for having so many and sell off a few to spread the wealth. That snowballed into a nice little side business that I was actually able to pay rent with for a time.

But over the last few years not only did the supply diminish, the quality did as well, as new "insta" collectors came on buying patterns based on the pattern envelopes (you know what I mean-the obsession with evening gowns), other collectors saw the prices drop and stopped listing their choice pieces. Also, repros shot in like gang busters, shaving off those sewists who really just wanted to make the garment over owning a piece of history. Soon the major pattern makers go into the repro game (with wishy washy success) and the retro styles became sub mainstream, so people were soon able to find looks that mimicked the vintage aesthetic in their local malls.

All of this added to the bubble popping, only, like every popped bubble, many don't get the message.

This is my pattern. It's in my possession and I just sold it in a lot for a little over $100. So in that bulk, it sold for a little over $1.

This same pattern is listed here, on ebay at these two insanely different prices. Not only is this pattern late 60s, it's a costume pattern and not rare in the least. It's a left over, as are most that are listed these days. Decent enough to notice, but not desired enough to acquire.


And that's where the patten selling market is now. A niche that either will list an average 30s pattern for $250 that no one will buy, a 60s "Mad Men" dress pattern for $50, or $5 (I mean really, do these sellers search listings before they post!?), or mis-catagorize a patten in order to carry more views. I mean have you seen the "1930s" pattern category? It's laughable.

Where does this leave those of us who still troll the sites and places and regular haunts looking for that beautiful pattern discovery? I guess in the same places were were always known to be. I don't think those people will ever stop collecting, or ever think that the hey day will return, but part of it is the hunt.

For me now, I look for nice designs that may often get overlooked because they are plain or some other collector may not see their potential.
This is my newest one, in my size and only $5. I've always had a soft spot for plain patterns.

It's the discovery, that treasure that can be yours and the story of finding it that you will attach to the pattern, any vintage find really. It's what we often live for, and as long as I have legs, antique malls and a decent amount of disposable income, I'll be a vintage pattern collector for life!

Your thoughts?

I just took my buttonholes to the next level...

Hello lovely people.

Klingon dog.

I hope you had a good weekend. I did! I went dancing at three different venues in one day on Friday (more on that later this week) and it was a blast.

But before that, another toy came in the mail which allowed me to use another toy that I've had for years.

The second satchel bag is complete - with a MONOGRAM!!

Hello lovely people.

I made the satchel again using a maroon colored denim and a light cotton plaid curtain I got from the thrift store. I felt extra special and cut the inside lining on the bias.

I will now monogram EVERYTHING!

Hello lovely people.

This isn't the toy I was waiting for. That's a button hole attachment.
This is a device I've had forever but I JUST NOW started to give it a try.

So how many men's pajama patterns do you really have?

I'm so glad I can answer a question no one asked.

I suppose 'why' would be the question to ask that no one asked, but I'm at a loss as to why I currently own 5 men's jimjam patterns. And YES, I know the lower left DuBarry is a onesie, but come on, it's a onesie!!

Let's stop with the random.

"Hey Shelley, what DID you do this weekend?"

Finished my reworked hiking bag (with awesome pictures!).

Hello lovely people.
Brian had a playmate with his new 'sister', Brandy. She was afraid of Brian at first (naturally) but after five minutes, she was barking and trying to get big man to chase her.
You know, dog stuff!

Speaking of stuff, I have something to show you.
This was the sketch I doodled after I began working on the new hiking bag after I vomited on my old one. It was past its prime anyway, so the gaminess of its new smell just helped facilitate the transition to another bag.

Food poisoning got me to sew.

Hello lovely people.

This has been a really shitty week.
As I was eating up the remaining goods in my cupboards, I cracked open a carton of tofu I had just bought in my fridge. Little did I know that later that night I would feel like I had been drugged as I had ever vertigo and could barely stand.

Catalog Sunday

This Sunday I have pages from a Butterick embroidery catalog. I'm thinking its mid 30s.
No specific date.

Vintageville Volume 5

Volume Five is up and available in my Etsy store.
Also, I'll be listing more sewing patterns for sale on Facebook this evening. Already 140+ available now :)

Yat sewing and comics!

Super Duper Pattern Sale On my FB page

Having a monster pattern blow out on my FB page.

I've been listing pattern all week and have quite a few left to go. All eras, all sizes, all conditions. Gotta make the cash money, yo :) Share the link if you like and let me know if you have questions.
So please buy some lovey patterns.

Playclothes Friday: Early man's Tuxedo jacket with tails

Hello everyone.
It's a good morning today, yay marriage!
But onto a much less important thing, repairing vintage clothes!

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