I sure am still talking about breeches.

My hair today.

Still plugging a way on my foundation garments. I'm saving my pennies for my corset supplies, and I hope to have enough by the middle of the month.
The flowered cotton that I had in my stash was enough for two more pair. 

I've prepped both and I'm nearly complete with one. I want to have them both done by tomorrow so I can finally get to work on this.

I've been thinking about this bra a lot lately. I know my cup size is going to be too large for the pattern, so I  decided to give up one of my old bras for the cause.

Good bye black bra.

I cut the cups off and I plan on making a pattern from them. This way I know I'll have at least this part to fit properly. As for the bra pattern, it's pretty easy. I was looking through it the other day, and I'm excited to make some leisure bras from it.

On another note, I finally got to wear my shoes to dance class and they preformed fabulously!

My feet didn't even hurt after! Yay! I taped the soles and they worked great with turns and stops and all I threw at them. Once they brake in really well, they will be great!

This news makes me all the more excited about dying the shoes. Yesterday, as I was coming back from the printer, I saw a UPS truck parked in front of my building. I scurried down the sidewalk but saw no driver. I looked up to my door and didn't see a sticker, so I thought he had not come to my door yet. I went up the steps and saw the sticker beneath the door know! CRAP! I went back down to the truck to hear the engine starting up and just as I stepped from the gate, the truck drove off. Sad face.

The shoe dye is supposed to be re-delivered today between 10 and 2. 
I'll be home this time, that's for sure!


  1. What do you need for your corset, hon? I've got a few extra things I could part with. Let me know.

  2. Aw, aren't you a peach? I haven't bought anything for it. I need everything except fabric. I wanted to use a 21 or 14" busk for it. I have grommets though :D

    And I can give you lots of advice!! I've made three and will be working on number four pretty soon.

  4. I am excited to see how the dye takes and would also be interested in seeing the taps you put on as I have those same shoes and well I like to dance too. Thanks...S

  5. I didn't put taps on the shoes. I taped the bottoms for better slip. I'm dying a pair right now and they are nearly done. Yay! :D


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