Making the Bra Pt 1

Here we are. It's as if the stars have alined and all in the world is right. Lions sleeping with the lambs, roses growing on salted earth, and the weather is pleasantly 76 degrees worldwide.

Yeah right.

Here in reality, all I can say is that per the request of so many of you lovely, lovely ladies, I'm going to make the bra from my very, very popular reproduction pattern.

Since I'm planning on making this more for a leisure bra than a real wear about my day bra, I'm going to make it front closing instead of back.

I was reading the directions, and yes, there are two different bras, the differences being the long line is called the 'brassiere', as in, it's the 'real' bra, and the second which uses all the same pieces sans the bottom band is considered the 'bandeau', so it's not a 'real' bra. That must suck.

The one part that tickled my noggin, and you ladies who have purchased this pattern can perhaps add to this, was the back of the bandeau on piece 5 where there are markings for the elastic. There is a section in the instructions right below the list of pattern pieces which states:

"For elastic inset, cut off the back edge of brassiere along large perforations."

Okay, sure, but do you add elastic to the entire back, thus eliminating the need for a hook and eye closure (which I must say is rather  tempting) or do you add it for comfort AND add the hook and eye closure? If the former is the key, then the diagram on #3 in the instructions is all for not! I'm not sure in either account, so I'll just think of it as a choice.

Moving on...

I reused the muslin from my Plain Pattern mock up because I'm cheap. I've cut out all the pieces, marked accordingly and it's ready for it's baste. What I'm going to do is make this mock up straight from the pattern with no alterations and try it on.

I have a feeling that the cup size is gonna be way too small, but it *is* a leisure bra for me, but for the other ladies who are going to make this, you might want to do what I did, make a cup pattern from an old bra that fit well.

See the difference? The paper pieces are sketched from that old black bra I cut up a while ago. Once I get this mock up made, and I gauge fit, I'm going to use these cups for the bra. Yeah! If this works out like I think it will, I'm *totally* going to make a red teddy. You heard me! I have some red lace for the top of the cup, and I'll get some nice red slinky fabric for the skirt. Oop! I'm getting ahead of myself.

Okay, that's it for now. I'm gonna put this all together and post it tomorrow. Since I don't think I'll have a Catalog Sunday (sad face) I'll post about the bra. That's a good trade, right?

Have a great Saturday everyone! 
Yay bras!


  1. Wow, this is very ambitious!!! I should try it. I want to make an all cotton one like you could get back in the 50's and 60's with no elastic.

  2. Awesome post.Thanks for sharing this post with us. A diamond bracelet are often worn on several occasions and it will add category and magnificence to you. However, it's a giant call to shop for one as a result of any handwriting bracelet diamond jewellery may be a giant investment. though diamond bracelets ar offered

  3. Oh I love this. See We are trying to move this month.... Why you put this up here... Girl you gonna get all my little spending money! lololol I love this!


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